Friday, June 22, 2007

out of reach..

whistling to the darkness
i am listning to my shadow
its never ever full moon

sliding away
into my hiding place
once again
this loneliness is
making me sore

and that bird dont hear
my song
the dead tree its perched upon
could be my paradise

if only it wouldnt
fly away
at my sight..

would you stay
my nightingale?
would you stay if you saw me
fly to you

would you sing
to bring back the moon
would you just stay and
hear me croon?

or would you slide away
into your hiding place
and leave me staring at my
shadow's blackened eye...

..i wish everything wasnt just
different phases of illusions
then i could find my paradise
in you..


little boxes said...

loved the penultimate stanza...great work!

weevil girl said...


storyteller said...

You are truly talented...way to go girl!!!

weevil girl said...

why thank you so much that made my day

Dhruva said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dhruva said...

Of all the things we keep and say-
It's mine, not yours, so go away.
There are few that make us care...
People, causes, and dreams we share.

(Most amazing, this.)

Lucid Darkness said...

Wonderful! Wonderful! Why do you insult yourself and call it a 'crapattemptatpoetry'?

'Different phases of illusions' ~ Loved that line!