But what I should be, is a Suicide Expert. Should start a Suicide Hotline, give Suicide advise and publish books on The Gruelling Way to Suicide, name myself the SUICIDE GURU and help all you little suicidal bunnies find your smashing ending.
i am dead..that profile picture of yours
housewives prefer rat poison
and men rely on guns
but we just die for fun
@Still thinking- yeah i seem to be doing the killing just fine as well.
@limpidus- no no no, its just madness. its not fun, what im doing. far from it.
so long steering away from it, the madness. get absorbed and THEN you'll find the 'fun' stuff..
vere is yar lisense medaam?
not a bad idea though, atleast it pays.(you will charge money i presume?)
suicide is a waste of time.
homicide is better.
arnt you all very smart.
who are you, oh anonymous staaaaaper?
im not sure if you made me scratch my bones.
or if i want to ask you where to get antifreeze.
mr. boj ssel, from krakozhia, with mauve.
doesnt matter dude.
what matters is that you are botching up my daily routine by deleting essential link to awesome blog.
Woohoo :|
reveal yourself and take the link or lose awesomeblog forever.(its getting juicier as im being more open and detailed there now, be tempted?)
@JD- weirdboy you are.
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