a story i made up at school- started with sneha wanting me to draw a tattoo on her wrist and me ending up drawing phulwa. eventually, we had dhulwa on my wrist, the kid on ishika's and the meow on mitaja's wrist and the story was narrated in the eco class.
now it's on sneha's farewell diary, look! the very first entry :)
on a different note:
y:is your health better?
x: im not sure i understand my health
y: what do people say?
x: nothing. they just curse.
y:they are sad.
this is a nice conversation. i'd not had one like that in a long time.
i liked that bit the most.
I comment.
My first reaction (recorded on Sayan's chatbox): awww
CUTE, it is.
I recomment : Awwness.
nicest thing to have on a farewell diary ever. howartthou leetulone?
like like.
You draw really really really squeal-y cute Cats! :D
yes yes cute bah whatever
i'm sufferring from a pregnant chin.monster boil extention its got and thats taking up all my attention and i cant say how im doing otherwise :/
i heart the meow. wish i had it on MY wrist. :)
i miss school!
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