Saturday, November 22, 2008

girl drawing

because i have exams and because i must study and not while away my time, its exactly what ve been doing (whiling away my time).

i also, dear peopleses, drew after the post-emptyfirsthalfofday nap. i drew my first face with a reference and i realised that i REALLY cannot shade lips.
although i was an impatient little monkey- i just left out the hair and other bits incomplete
(Edit: i reuploaded the sketch, the hair has been roughly sketched). but then i coloured or as i would call it, fucked it up totally, in photoshop. so well.

the sketch: (edit)



(EDIT) photoshopped 2:

also, i hate my scanner. but atleast i have one so mkay no complaining.

now the thing is, i took the reference from this DEV ID of a deviant on dA, even though she had 92376497498237492798 stock photos in her gallery. and im not very sure if THAT allowed :P so i just wont post it there for the time being.

oh be nice and say hello lurkers.


Paras Gudka said...

I don't know about the "fucked it up" bit, but she sure is a hottie. I can't wait to see you at Srishti. You're going to be stoned a lot. :P

Saturnalia's Offspring said...

I LOVE the photoshop loveitloveit
and so what if she's not WIKKID. she still looks extremely interesting. and mysterious.
like someone I'd want to know.
and that is praise. xD

Jadis said...

ahem. i wanttolooklikeher. wyaaanh!

Stupidosaur said...

Whats wrong with lips :P?
Its great!
Don't be too self critical

JD said...

Super sexed out :D
Especially the photoshop. You've got yourself quite a fan following in my bunch of photoshop-crazy-campusmates. Kick-arse!

Anyway, on a less geeky note, how're you? :P

Anonymous said...

I LOVE her eyes and cheekbones. Hm. Why does it look like she has a nosebleed? I like the second photoshopped one better, but the original pretty much kicks ass. Nice work, weevil one.
Oh, and you're welcome =)

weevil girl said...

she has a nose piercing! :P thats suppossed to be a i dont now what you call it really. ring? bletch :P

Debs said...

I have a crush on her.
Do, some thing, thy mistress!

Anoo. said...

Lurker: Hello!

RaSh said...

Wow.. amazing artwork!
Loved the Photoshop (first one), and the lips in the original sketch look better (What more do you want?)

Bone said...


it's very nice, especially the first edit.

by the way, pliss to teach me how to darken pencil lines on photoshop? my lines just get overlapped with the colour! **sulk**

Prince K. said...

I don't like how you're good with both drawing and poetry. x(

I'll write an On Poetry post on how you're too good and that you don't exist and are actually a facet of many people's imaginations.

Except for that one teeny little fact that I've met you. x(

I hate this. :/

Aruni RC said...

okay i somehow liked just the pencil sketch. because of the eyes. they seemed more ethereal when grey.