Saturday, April 12, 2008

blue, blue nights

.. for im all alone,
ill blow myself a few fullmoons..
photomanipulation, by the me.
stock credits:


and i dontremember who from i took the stairsandthechurch stcok, forgibhe me. hence, i didnt put it up on dA, i couldnt've credited proper.

and this is a pic taken a fewmonths back i think, the night when the moon was suppossedly closest to teh earth in (insertcorrectnumber) years. a very crappy cam, 1.3 MP if you wanttoknowthetruth. fullview might make it better.

moon lonely are we tonight?
Like mirrors that lie,hidden inside a woman's past.

-The Shayon.

p.s: for those who i havnt already bugged into checking out my dA and flickr account lately, please do so.plisplis :D


Sayan said...

I'm happy,you know. :D

La Figlia Che Piange said...

Came over from Poorna's blog. Was reading archives, saw photo of school farewell with three kids I knew when I was in school. Blogworld is bloody small.

Prince K. said...

Nice. The moon[ses].


Oh, and thank you for the wish! LD told me. :)

little boxes said...

You're getting better and better with this imaging thingamagic!

Dhruva said...

be a digital artist. =)

Lucid Darkness said...


Aruni RC said...

you've bugged me into checking out DA for one. 8P

weevil girl said...


and @opaline: is indeedly. :)

Rainchild said...

i love <3

and im saving this.

i lik ur version better.

Phoenix speaks.... said...

I checked out your flickr account.. but couldn't comment there... :(
the pics are lovely!! you now have one more regular visitor of your blog :)
but just one thing.. that pic of the bonsai plant..isn't actually a bonsai.. it's a 'kinnori'