Sunday, December 21, 2008


so on the 18th of december when I WAS FEELING ALL CAPS i decided to write someshit everyday, something anything everyday, as journal entries. their shittyness, i tell you, is noteworthy but i DID MANAGE TO STICK TO IT FOR 3 HOLY DAYS *!*

so here are the thingies.

18th: decadencebegins here
19th: winterbegins here
20th: haha here.

i sorta love my wordpress at the moment xD so i think ill post everything there and post links here because all you bastards never check that blog anyway.


little boxes said...

this comment is for the post above this...
i know you dont want people to comment,but i had to tell you this...
i wont say these things dont matter.ofcourse they do.they did,when i went through this...but believe me,two years,or even a year, down the line these are the things you will go "hey!whatthefuck was that?" for...
so just let it be.time has its own queer way of making you blanket such things with cozy layers called nostalgia.

weevil girl said...


BUT.nosfuckingtalgia? there will be NONE involved.

little boxes said...

i will ask you if you're nostalgic about the days gone by,in exactly a year from now...and i shall hear you out then :)
its not school you'll miss but the years...
sheesh...i sound like i'm 90!