sometimes what happens to asima is, she gets reminded of perfectly shaped body parts. no asymmetry. no abnormality. the kinda stuff that'd make you go 'HEY, THAT'S A NORMAL HUMAN BEING'S BODY PARTS!' unlike her own. then she gets sorta sick.her eyes turn upwards, her lips thicken and her face bulges on one side.when she gets sick, asima likes to pull paper bags or polythene bags over her head. she likes to think that doing so will suffocate all those thoughts and they'd die and never return to plague her.if in case you catch her in the act, she will immediately hide her hands behind her back so in case you are about to draw a picture of her and put it up one some electronic medium like this one, you cannot reproduce her hands for the life of you. this will make you suspect that she hates her hands but there's no way in hell you can confirm if that's you move on and continue with the rest of the story.
so she gets a little sick and then she gets sicker. this time she was thinking about pretty eyes. so she got sick and then she got sicker. when she gets sicker she feels like she could do with some drowning and then she starts having the drowning feeling and everything around goes yellow and gooey looking.
then she starts feeling like its raining on the inside of her hair. then she starts cursing you and your scanner and your fucking fingers and all that works because your scanner starts malfunctioning and your fingers start feeling like they would really like to wrap themselves around your neck in a way that will strangle you to death. this makes it very difficult for you to type so you have to stop